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Research Interview on SMEs in Malaysia & digital transformation with School of Design, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Digital transformation of SMEs is the key to drive the economies. Universities and institutions have been doing keen study on the role of SMEs in shaping the economies. Through their studies they have been contributing a lot to the ecosystem.

Quocent Sdn Bhd CEO Saswat Panda gave research interview on the digital transformation of SMEs and technology adoption in Malaysia to Master of Design Strategy and Innovation, School of Design, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia.

We would like to thank Dr Matthew Parnell, Unit Convenor and Course Director, Master of Design Strategy and Innovation, School of Design and Fredrick Kwo, a student in the Design Strategy Capstone Project Unit for their research over the SMEs in Malaysia. We also thank Dr. Mathew & Kwo for considering Learnitude Technologies, Malaysia for their research.

We have been operating from our international headquarter in Kuala Lumpur and working closely with many SMEs helping them in their digital transformation. During the interview, Saswat shared his experience with the local SMEs and their pain areas. He also highlighted how technology solutions helped many SMEs to overcome their challenges and improve their productivity.