Don’t fear Technology

Don’t fear Technology; fear the lack of Technology

It is the facts that 60 to 80% of the world’s energy is being used in cities. Consumption pattern may differ from city to city but the fact is urbanization leads to the more and more consumption of energy. And how energy is being produced? Is the production endless?  It has been estimated that more than 50% of the world’s population resides in the top 21 megacities in the world which pushes the more energy consumption. Sadly, this will lead to high energy waste too which will further creates the responsibility to how to make the urban environment greener and more responsive’? This becomes the wakeup call! To start things sustainably!!

  1. Fundamentally, Smart City is a framework that is founded on Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data Analytics to address the challenges of growing urbanization. IT Giant Cisco has estimated that those cities which can run on information can improve energy efficiency by 30% in next 20 years – Big Data – Big Data and its real time Analysis of power consumption could help to optimize if for the future needs. Big Data will also help to build the intelligent transport system. And – Internet of Things (IoT) – IoT can helps in many folds like smart water meters, city light management, waste management and it will also help in building intelligent transport system by connecting public transports
  2. Smart cities can be created on the basic model which connects all the systems we use in our daily lives and share the information in real time. For this setup, we can use low power sensors at one end and engagement apps at the other end connected by wireless networks assisted by real time data analytics. Real time data analytics can be used through a range of systems and usage patterns which can include power consumption, infrastructure facilities, utilities, transport system, environmental issues and network system indeed – Sensors – the basic setup model. Sensors are very important in the system and it is placed at one extreme end. It can help in setting up smart homes, traffic lights and automated vehicles.
  3. To deliver the better quality of life, smart cities do use technologies and data analytics which can help in predicting and control incidence of crime 30 – 40% and even reinforcement of security measures in particular location. Economics has been one of the most important part of the society. Investment value of a smart city is and will be always high and it will attract more investments, jobs and talents – Automation – How cool it will be when the ordered pizza delivery to you by a drone? Or your courier will be picked up and delivered to you by a drone? Yes, automation helps us to enable a machine to complete an activity with the required information provided. Humanoids can be used as room service or surveillance jobs.
  4. With the help of technologies and data, it can also be predicted that which mode of transport will be most suitable for you for a particular journey at a particular time. Building Smart City will help to improve around 20-30% daily commuting time by choosing the most suited transport. As per the reports of McKinsey, we can save up to 300 million lives per city annually through making superior healthcare facilities more accessible by developing a smart city – Geospatial Technology – Geospatial technology enables us to acquire data that is referenced to the earth and use it for analysis, modeling, simulations and visualization. Geospatial technology allows us to make informed decisions based on the importance and priority of resources most of which are limited in nature. Geospatial technology will help in building more efficient GPS for transportation management and GIS to build urban digital model.
  5. The setup requires wireless connectivity which will enable people to be more connected through digital apps and platforms in real time

The benefits of Smart City are countless. It will help in reducing carbon emissions, waste management, transport management system and urban planning also. Open Data Security and flexible monetization schemes will be considered as the bonus benefits.

With the closing argument of ensuring security in a smart city by providing real time accurate data, prevention of unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information and data along with the reliable integrity protection with the support of security requirements, Can the city be sustainably smart?

Refer to the link: https://youtu.be/S-f9AhVu3zc