
Gratitude to the uncapped heroes of COVID 19

But yes, as humans, of course, we’re all pretty limited in our physical powers. We don’t fly. We can’t see through walls. But what’s unbounded in us is our ability to see injustices and to take them on—often at great risk to ourselves, which defines the real characteristics of a “hero”.

If there’s ever been a time that we need heroes, it’s now. The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented health and economic challenges, especially for the most vulnerable among us. And there are many people who did their best to help all each other.

There were people who don’t let us stay hungry- Social workers

People who helped us in stocking ourselves – Grocery store workers

People who delivered medical facilities – Health care workers

People who have emptied our trash bins – Municipal workers

People who deliver IT hardware so that we work safety from home – Tech workers

People who made essential communication possible – cab and bus facilities

The hero’s has represented the best of who we can be. Their efforts to solve the world’s challenges demonstrate our values as a society and they serve as powerful examples of how to make a positive difference in the world.

As the angel of care continues to save lives. We fought hand in hand with the superheroes to make life easier, happier and full of HOPE!