
International Entrepreneurs Club appoints Saswat Kumar Panda as Ambassador for Kuala Lumpur

International Entrepreneurs Club (IEC), a global community of Startup’s, Entrepreneurs, Investors, Incubators etc., all connected over a single platform, has appointed Quocent Sdn Bhd CEO Saswat Kumar Panda as Ambassador to manage and expand IEC in Kuala Lumpur. Mentioning about the appointment on IEC blog post, IEC is confident that having Saswat on board will strengthen entrepreneurial ecosystem.  

We thank IEC team for appointing Saswat and recognizing his strategic vision and portfolio leadership. Earlier, Saswat is appointed as Honorary Convener for Technology Innovation and Startup Thinktank by World Trade Centre (WTC) an industry body that promoting business at global platform.  Saswat mentors organizations like Startup India and several AI startups like Groceri app.