
Learnitude Technologies is now Quocent!

Kuala Lumpur, 7 Aug 2020:  We are excited to announce that Learnitude Technologies is now Quocent.  In Malaysia, we will be Quocent Sdn. Bhd. and India – Quocent Pvt. Ltd. We got approval from concerned authorities to rename to QUOCENT from Learnitude Technologies.

The main objective of behind the name change is to revamp the company and follow the path of new technologies at a pace to help our clients and business partners. The vision of the company is described in following lines that include the faster growth, adoption of new technologies and fulfil ethical responsibilities.

In this fast changing world of technology, limit has a liquid definition. Quocent is committed to explore the vast expanse of knowledge in technology to fulfil its ethical responsibility to levitate and leverage the society towards a more connected and accessible world, where limits will only be a national reality.

Our international headquarter is located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia whereas our global technology and development center is located in Bhubaneswar, Odisha state, India. We have been delivering turnkey solutions to our clients across the SEA region and other parts of the world. 

Quocent has been recognized by the Odisha government, many industry bodies like World Trade Center in India. Whereas in Malaysia, our services & commitment accolade by both governmental and private organization. Both the companies – India & Malaysia – have been performing and helping SMEs, MSME, companies & industries by developing innovative software solutions. We have developed many robust solutions, and recently joined hands with our business partner to deliver COVID-19 mobile app for the Malaysian government.

Saswat Kumar Panda is the CEO & Director of Quocent Sdn. Bhd. and being the CEO & Managing Director of Quocent Pvt. Ltd., he has been guiding the business leaders, stakeholders and staff to deliver the best to help our business in the path of digital transformation. Under his able leadership, the company is able to added many feathers to its wings and modern world class solutions to its solutions portfolio. Saswat is mentor to many startups and providing handholding support to budding entrepreneurs & technology enthusiasts. 

It is the beginning with the name change, but our vision is the big one – to deliver solutions and help fulfil our ethical responsibilities. We are working for a better digital environment that give a room for innovation and sustainable growth to business as well as to society.